Legal notice

Publisher of the Platform

The Open Terms Archive Platform is published by the Office of the Ambassador for Digital Affairs located at:

Ministry of Europe and Foreign Affairs
37 Quai d’Orsay, 75015 Paris, France
contact - at -

Director of the publication

Henri Verdier, Ambassador for Digital Affairs.

Hosting of the Platform

This site is hosted by Scalingo:
15 avenue du Rhin, 67100 Strasbourg, France


Compliance with digital accessibility standards is a future goal, but we strive to make this site accessible to all.

Report a malfunction

If you encounter an accessibility problem that prevents you from accessing a content or a functionality of the site, please let us know.
If you do not receive a quick response from us, you are entitled to send your complaints or a request for referral to the Human Rights Defender.

Learn more

To find out more about the State’s digital accessibility policy:


The site is protected by an electronic certificate, represented for the vast majority of browsers by a padlock. This protection contributes to the confidentiality of exchanges. Under no circumstances will the services associated with the platform be the source of emails requesting the entry of personal information.